During a quick visit in Seattle, I sat down for a one-on-one with Former Vice President Al Gore to discuss his newest documentary, AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL. Al Gore talks AN…
With just 33 hours on the ground, requiring about 20 hours in the sky, I sat down for a fantastic 5 minutes with Rachel Weisz in London. We talked about…
It’s always a treat to sit down with Morgan Freeman, but for GOING IN STYLE I also got to speak with Alan Arkin and Michael Caine. Three legends! It was…
I had the thrill of sitting down with Elizabeth Banks to talk about her role as Rita Repulsa in POWER RANGERS. We also threw clothes pins, talked Seattle and I…
Nothing like asking Ice Cube if he needs a hug, right? I talked with Ice Cube about his co-star Charlie Day and about the incredible success he has achieved through…
Thoroughly enjoyed my visit with E.L. James in Los Angeles, to discuss the second movie in the Fifty Shades trilogy–FIFTY SHADES DARKER. She’s good for a laugh and she’s incredibly…